Infinite Square Apps

GeoBalance 1.1
Assemble sets of geometric parts to try andfind balance !It may be easy at first, but be prepared, because as you makeyour way up the levels one by one, the play gets more challenging.The solution is always right there under your eyes, but sometimesit is not as simple as it looks, and the balance may be fragile.The law of gravity is unforgiving, and tricks and surprises awaitalong the path.Fortunately, every time you complete one universe, you will begranted one joker which you may choose to give up in case you getstuck.Will you be able to go all the way up and shoot for the moon?-------------------------Music credits : Epic Soul Factory - Grasping some Beauty - Providedby Jamendo
HiLight 2.0.10
***** "It's going to stay in our Game Appsfolder for now, at least until we can beat the hardest levels... IFwe can.” - – 2014/10/10 *****Track the light at full speed and… if you can, follow its path.Light is unpredictable and playful to lose the player. Yourplayground ? Picturesque landscapes which you will discover as youare making progress.Start from the twilight… Will you be able to go all the way up tolighten the landscapes ?The light invites you to a second challenge, the Competemode.Try it and compete against your friends, the champions, and otherplayers located around you.Touch the light as long as you can !Check your rankings, your personal stats, and share them with yourfriends !
Say it with Cats
★★★★★ Want to send a sweet message to alovedone ? Want to get your message across ? For all purposes, Sayitwith Cats ! Choose your favorite cat in a selection of photos,addyour own words, and send a kitty message to your close ones!★★★★★
P.A.R.I.S. Challenge 2015
This application allows you to haveyourdetailed program of the P.A.R.I.S.CHALLENGE 2015 importerseventbefore your arrival in Paris.During the event it will allow you to:- Interact on the event’s news feed- Obtain additional information about the contributors- Find your personal program- Find all useful information about the event
DellEMC Forum
Compagnon indispensable du visiteur deDellEMCForum, l’application mobile inwink permet d’accéder à touslesservices spécialement conçus pour lui : préparer et consultersonagenda personnalisé, être notifié des actus concernant savisite,contacter, échanger, prendre rendez-vous avec lesautresparticipants (invités, partenaires, speakers, expertstechniques oubusiness).indispensable companionofDellEMC visitor Forum, inwink mobile application provides accesstoall services specially designed for him, prepare and viewtheirpersonalized agenda, be notified of the news about thevisit,contact, exchange, make an appointment with otherparticipants(guests, partners, speakers, technical experts orbusiness).
inwink Exhibitor App 1.0.1
inwink Exhibitor App permet aux exposantsd’unévènement BtoB de scanner avec leurs smartphones les badgesdesvisiteurs sur leurs stands.L’Exposant peut collecter les coordonnées de contact duvisiteuret annoter de commentaires sur l’échange qui a eu lieu. Lesdonnéescollectées seront stockées dans son Cockpit Exposantinwink.inwink ExhibitorAppallows exhibitors a scanner BtoB event with theirsmartphonesvisitor badges on their stands.Exhibitors can collect the contact details of the visitorandannotate comments on the exchange that took place. Thedatacollected will be stored in the Exhibitor Cockpit inwink.
My Microsoft experiences'16
Compagnon indispensable du visiteurdeMicrosoft experiences’16, l’application mobile inwinkpermetd’accéder à tous les services spécialement conçus pour lui:préparer et consulter son agenda personnalisé, être notifiédesactus concernant sa visite, contacter, échanger,prendrerendez-vous avec les autres participants (invités,partenaires,speakers, experts techniques ou business).indispensable companionofMicrosoft experiences'16 visitor, the inwink mobileapplicationprovides access to all services specially designed forhim, prepareand view their personalized agenda, be notified of thenews aboutthe visit, contact, exchange, make an appointment withthe otherparticipants (guests, partners, speakers, technicalexperts orbusiness).
Say it with Flowers
★★★★★ Want to send a sweet message to alovedone ? Want to get your message across ? For all purposes, SayItWith Flowers ! ★★★★★Choose a beautiful flower in a selection of photos, add yourownwords, and send a flowery message to your close ones.
Transfair 3.0.2
Optimisez votre visite sur Transfair 2019, les rencontres delatransmission d'entreprise, en téléchargeantl'applicationofficielle : Visualisez le programme de la journée,personnalisezvotre agenda personnel, et échangez et networkez endirect avec lesvisiteurs et exposants de l'événement ! Suiveztoutes les dernièresactualités de Transfair : • Suivez-nous surTwitter • Aimez-nous sur • Rejoignez-nous sur
COINS User Conference 1.1.1
COINS User Conference 2019 Where: The Lowry, Pier 8, TheQuays,Salford M50 3AZ, UK When: Wednesday, 12 June 2019 andThursday, 13June 2019 Learn how COINS and other innovativetechnologies andbusiness strategies can help your business be moreproductive,collaborative and agile. Pick from sessions forexecutives, homebuilders, contractors, procurement managers andmore. LEARNDesigned for a wide-ranging audience, from COINS userstodevelopers to C-suite executives. Best practice and ‘howto’sessions will help you gain the utmost advantage from yourCOINSsystem. Learn about the latest capabilities, newmodules,configurations and functionality in COINS. INTERACTHands-onclasses, development open houses and thought leadershipsessionsled by our Chief Technology Officer, Development Director,DeliveryDirector, lead consultants and others. Meet with yourindustrycolleagues and COINS to share experiences and togetherbuild forthe future. EXPLORE Explore the future of the constructionindustryas seen by external advisers to the industry. See andexperiencenew ideas, meet industry leaders and find out how you canapply newtechnologies within your business. CELEBRATE Meet theCOINS GrandChallenge 2019 finalists and celebrate the winners atthe GalaDinner & Awards Ceremony on Wednesday evening, 12 Juneat theImperial War Museum North.
EuraTech10 1.0.1
Participez à l’Innovation Campus Festival du 26 septembre au03octobre 2019, à EuraTechnologies Lille ! 8 jours exceptionnelspourcélébrer le chemin parcouru et partager notre feuille de routepourles 10 prochaines années. Conférences, keynotes, ateliers,masterclasses, hackathon géant, visites, startups week-end, grandforumde l'emploi, rendez-vous business, demoday, prospective ...Avecl’application EuraTech, ne manquez rien du programmedel’Innovation Campus Festival, avec des conférences,masterclasseset keynotes sur les dernières innovations tech, lesmétiers dedemain, les rendez-vous numériques à ne pas rater.Découvrez lesspeakers de l’événements, les grands groupes etpartenairesprésents pour agrandir votre réseau et augmenter voschances derencontrer les bonnes personnes. Ne perdez pas de temps !Accédezaux informations pratiques et planifiez votre venue pour nerienrater de l’Innovation Campus Festival ! Retrouvez égalementtout leprogramme sur notre site :
IMAGINE SUMMIT Europe 2019 1.0.1
IMAGINE SUMMIT 2019 brings together an array of industry expertstocommunicate their message on learning all there is to knowaboutHybrid Integration Platform and content collaboration. Youwilllearn from experts in their field with real-world demos on howtogrow your business via digital transformation. Together withtheother participants, you will connect with your peers tocollaborateon shared experiences and further your network.
Dell Technologies Forum EMEA 3.1.6
Discover how we can help reshape your future at theDellTechnologies Forum, a free, one-day event. See, touch, anddiscoverthe latest products, solutions and strategies that enablerealtransformation from the edge to the core to the cloud.Togetherwe'll lay the foundation for your digital future.
Future Now Toronto 1.0.2
Future Now application for event partners to be used for supportatevent.
Viva Technology 2019 1.5.7
Make the most of your visit at VivaTech with the official2019VivaTech App. Create your own program See the complete listofsessions on the VivaTech stages, partner booths, pitching areasandin dedicated lounges. Select and filter sessions according toyourinterests to prepare for your VivaTech journey! Selecttheinnovations and exhibitors you don’t want to miss and add themtoyour favorites. Network with exhibitors and attendees Check outourmatchmaking tool to get in touch with the right people, setupmeetings and start doing business! Find you way on the mapFindyour way around the venue thanks to our interactive map, locatetheexhibitors, innovations, stages, pitching areas, loungesandrestaurants in just one click. Q&A sessions Got someburningquestions for our speakers? Send them in and have themanswered onthe stage. Thematic Trails Take a look at our selectionof 10thematic trails to guide you through the exhibitors, startupsandinnovations you won’t want to miss. Discovering VivaTech hasneverbeen easier! Side Events It’s only over when we say it’sover!Network and connect with your peers at our Side Events fromMay 13- 19 at a number of top locations across Paris. Interact withthetech ecosystem and make your VivaTech experience last evenlonger!
CHANNEL PARTNER STRATEGY SUMMIT is a dedicated event forDellTechnologies Channel Partner
IMAGINE Summit Americas 2019 1.0.2
IMAGINE SUMMIT 2019 brings together an array of industry expertstocommunicate their message on learning all there is to knowaboutHybrid Integration Platform and content collaboration.Youwill learn from experts in their field with real-world demos onhowto grow your business via digital transformation. Together withtheother participants, you will connect with your peers tocollaborateon shared experiences and further your network.
Talentsoft annual user conference Download this applicationtocreate your agenda, register to the workshops andtrainingsessions, network with Talentsoft ecosystem and submityourfeedback.
inwink Onsite 2.7.12
inwink Onsite, the complete onsite application for the eventorganizer.
inwink connect 1.0.31
Keep in touch with the inwink team and other community members
inwink Onsite Scan 1.0.4
inwink Onsite scan, l’application sur site pourl’organisateurd’évènement.